School Visits

Growing up, I wasn’t what you’d call a bookworm. In fact, for a lot of my childhood I struggled to read and didn’t always connect with the books and materials assigned to me. But then I found books that showed me just how amazing reading could be and I was hooked. I loved Roald Dahl, Judy Blume, Beverly Cleary, and Louis Sachar.

Today I am passionate not just about writing books kids will love, but also helping students grow confident in their own reading identity and writing skills. I’ve spoken in schools across the country, sharing my reading and writing journey, and leading the kids in creative writing workshops that reveal just how amazingly creative and intelligent they really are.

“An incredibly educational and engaging presentation that not only inspired my students, but got them excited about Rump and fairytales in general.”

— Katie Lawrence, Librarian, Immaculate Conception St. Joseph School, Chicago, IL

School Visits

Start Here

*PLEASE NOTE: Liesl will not be booking any more in-person school visits for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year. She is happy to accept requests for next school year.

Please read through all of the information before requesting a school visit.

To learn more about Liesl Shurtliff's author visits, please view the Visit Information packet.  It contains a lot of helpful details, including presentation topics, writing workshop themes, and fee structure. When you are ready to schedule, or simply want more information, please submit a request.

10 Tips for a Perfect Author's Visit

Want to make your day with Liesl as wonderful as possible?  Then read this excellent post on the Nerdy Book Club blog about Ten Tips for a Perfect Author Visit by Michael Shoulders.  


“Show, Don’t Tell.” Liesl Shurtliff stands on her head to illustrate the power of showing versus telling.

Liesl leads students in a creative writing workshop.